Objectives of Lamerd Cement Company
- Customer orientation: Paying attention to customer needs and receiving comments, suggestions and criticisms of customers and trying to increase their satisfaction
- Commitment to quality and continuous improvement: Preparation of a set of quality standards and procedures and their continuous evaluation and excellence of the organization and its promotion
- Employee development and participation: having a process attitude to the system and cooperation and participation of all colleagues in carrying out the activities of the organization
- Social responsibility: Recognizing one's responsibility to society and observing laws and regulations and adhering to moral values.
- Environmental protection: Observing the rules and regulations of environmental protection and not harming it, developing green space, protecting energy resources
- Knowledge-based, creativity and innovation: learning up-to-date knowledge and using it to improve performance and products. Supporting new ideas. Mutual respect and trust: Adherence to moral values and recognizing and paying attention to each other